Hypothesizing Rotations: Assassination AoE



I spent the last ~3 hours trying out the new Crimson Tempest passive for Assassination, and as it currently stands, it’s not good enough to add CT to your AoE rotation. The tab-Rupture rotation we’ve been using throughout MoP has been putting out slightly better damage (against 5 targets) when compared to CT/Rupture weaving (only performing CT when the DoT is about to fall), with both being far superior than Enhanced CT spam.



Something to note; currently Crimson Tempest is bugged and is proccing Relentless Strikes (+25 energy, 20% chance per CP used) for every target hit, which means with the 5 targets I was hitting, my energy bar basically filled up to full every CT use, which likely resulted in inflated DPS for the rotations using CT.


Something else that was interesting, as @FieryDemise pointed out, using Mut to build CP’s with FoK to maintain poisons could also be a potential strategy. I’d need to try it more, but my first attempt at it provided some… unexpected results. As in I was energy capped. The faster CP generation brought by using Mut, no-energy GCD’s from Dispatch procs, more frequent finisher use, and Lemon Zest, all meant my energy regen was dramatically greater than my use, which is really, REALLY awkward for Assassination, and even MORE awkward when you consider that this is at ilvl 660, which isn’t even the ilvl of the first raid tier armor. I didn’t even make use of the Crimson Tempest bug, and I was still overflowing. I don’t think words can adequately describe just how swamped I was in CP’s and energy. I was able to maintain Recup and still have almost no downtime on 5 different Ruptures.

EDIT: I’m getting GCD capped even without Lemon Zest active with the Mut/FoK Weave tab-Rupture rotation. Also, using FoK to Lemon-Zest poison adds while continuing to DPS the boss results in almost being GCD locked. Throwing a Rupture onto two adds results in full GCD lock. Very strange for Assass.



Oh, and if you’re wondering why I haven’t done more posts about Subtlety or Combat, it’s because 1) Combat is broken on Beta, so it’s difficult to accurately test, and 2) Sub is still getting a lot of iteration, so any test could be rendered obsolete the next day.

About thebackstabi

Gamer. Programmer. Professional bum. Creator of PowerInterface, a low-memory default UI modification. http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/powerinterface

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